Compliance with standards

All of the pages comply with the Accessibility Guidelines or General Principles of Accessible Design laid down by the WAI (Web Accessibility Initiative) Working Group of the W3C.

Navigation assistance

All of the pages contain links rel=previousnext, and start to assist navigation when using text-only browsers and screen readers.

Some browsers such as Mozilla, Netscape 6 and Opera 7 display an additional toolbar for navigating the site using these links.

All of the tables have headers with scope attributes allowing screen readers to present the information intelligently. When necessary, the tables also have titles (captionelements) and summary attributes, to make them easier to understand.


Most of the links whose text does not fully describe the destination have title attributes with an explanation.

Whenever possible, links are written in such a way that they make sense out of context. Some web browsers (such as JAWS, Home Page Reader, Lynx, and Opera) can extract the list of links from the current page and let users navigate the site using the list. Links are not duplicated; if they are, it is because they link to the same content.

There are no JavaScript pseudo-links. All of the links can be followed using any web browser, even if JavaScript is disabled.

The internal links do not open in a new window. External links do open in a new window, and are framed as follows:

Sample external page

Visual design

The website's visual design has been created using Cascading Style Sheets CSS. Thanks to its structural markup, the site content is fully legible even for web browsers or browsing devices that do not support style sheets.

Thus, the site works well on PDAs and mobile devices, without the need for extra work or preprocessing.